Information for County Coordinators
Welcome to our wonderful community of volunteer County Coordinators, who help us to identify and include special forests into the Old-Growth Forest Network. Here are a number of resources you may find helpful as you make your way through the process. We deeply appreciate your time and energy, and look forward to working with you to grow the Network!
Step 1. Learn about the Role of a County Coordinator
The main role of a County Coordinator is to help grow the Old-Growth Forest Network. Here are the steps that are integral to the success of a County Coordinator.
Step 2. Begin the Search for a Forest in Your County
Learn more about the criteria we look for in a forest that qualifies for the Old-Growth Forest Network.
Need some help? Here are some tips for finding the best forest to be included in the Old-Growth Forest Network.
Protections for a forest come in many shapes and sizes. Find out more about how an Old-Growth Forest Network forest is protected for future generations to come.
Need help identifying old-growth forest features? Flip through the pages below to view guides about old-growth forest features for both moist and dry forests, plus a helpful definitions sheet.
Step 3. Prepare to Celebrate the Forest
Congratulations on having your forest chosen to represent your county in the national Old-Growth Forest Network! Read more about how to plan an OGFN forest celebration.
You can view the whole County Coordinator informational packet by flipping through the PDF viewer below, or by clicking here for a downloadable version.