Private Forests
The Old-Growth Forest Network recognizes the importance of private landowners who have made the commitment to protect or restore old-growth by choosing to preserve portions or the entirety of their forest. Often these owners are sacrificing significant timber income to let their forests age and provide rare habitat, beauty, clean water, and clean air. Many of these landowners invest in professional advice through the development of forest stewardship plans, form conservation easements that protect the property in perpetuity, and spend countless hours caring for their forest.
In some cases, landowners may choose to harvest timber on parts of their forest and protect other portions. Whether they have committed to setting aside small portions of land or thousands of acres, we honor and recognize their generosity. Allowing public access is not required for private lands recognized in the Registry. If you own a forest, or parts of a forest, that you have decided to dedicate to old-growth (either through formal or informal protection) we welcome you to fill out the nomination form so you, too, can become part of the "Private Forest" community in the Old-Growth Forest Network.
All photos are by Robert Llewellyn unless otherwise noted.