Mohawk Trail State Forest
This state forest covers 7,758 total acres of which between 400 and 500 acres are old growth. The oldest trees in the forest are hemlocks, which have been dated to 500 years. Red spruce have been dated to 400, and several other species to over 300. The forest consists of areas of: (1) northern hardwoods and hemlocks, (2) northern red and white oak, black birch and hemlock, (3) red spruce and hemlock, (4) sugar maple, white ash, and yellow birch, (5) white pine, and (6) white pine and hemlock. The forest has been chosen as the logical representative for Franklin County because it is the most prominent old-growth forest icon in the Commonwealth. In addition to the old growth, Mohawk Trail State Forest contains the tallest trees in New England, a section of the original Mohawk Indian Trail, and other historic, cultural, and ecological features.

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