Baker Woodlot & Rachana Rajendra Neotropical Migrant Bird Sanctuary- Michigan State University
Baker Woodlot & Rachana Rajendra Neotropical Migrant Bird Sanctuary is a high-quality remnant of the forest that once grew before the campus was established. During its 165 years of preservation it has been subject to human disturbance, including road and railroad maintenance on its north and south borders, along with an assortment of management and research programs. Today, the woodlot is protected as a campus natural area and contains a diversity of tree species and ages, a shrub understory of elderberry and spicebush, and carpets of spring ephemerals. The largest trees are northern red oak, tulip poplar, and eastern cottonwood. American beech, black cherry, white oak, and sugar maple are other prominent components of the canopy.

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