Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area -
Huron-Manistee National Forests
The 3,500 acre Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area was protected by Congress in 1987. Open Dunes and Great Lakes Barrens are found along nearly four miles of Lake Michigan shoreline. Some of the largest swaths of freshwater interdunal wetlands in the world are also present near Lake Michigan. Mixed hardwood forests of maple, beech, and hemlock are interspersed with oak and pine. Streams, small inland lakes, and wetlands are found in low areas between the forested backdunes. This Wilderness Area protects endangered species such as Piping plover, and Pitcher’s thistle and is home to wildlife like bear, deer, and porcupine. While the area was historically logged, the protections afforded by the Wilderness Act of 1964 will continue to allow the forests to grow old and recover their wild character.

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