Itasca Wilderness Sanctuary Scientific & Natural Area
The Scientific and Natural Area is located within Itasca State Park. The 1,600 acre SNA is located along the western side of Lake Itasca and protects roughly two miles of undeveloped shoreline along the lake. A mosaic of eighteen native plant communities occupy the site, dominated by fire-dependent red pine – white pine forest communities. As related by DNR forester Chris Gronewald, the SNA contains 848 acres of designated old-growth forest in 16 stands. Among these, a 1998 inventory documented a 190-year-old red pine stand and 200-year-old white pine stand.
Mesic hardwood forests are also well represented in the SNA, composed of sugar and red maple, basswood, aspen and birch. Low-lying areas support a diversity of communities ranging from shrub, tamarack and white cedar swamps, to sedge meadow, marsh and rich fen. Open water habitats add diversity, including two lakes—Bohall Lake and the smaller Snail Lake, and stretches of Boutwell and Nicollet Creeks. Many nameless little spring-fed streams filter into Lake Itasca.

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