Nonprofit Partnership Spotlight: The North American Orchid Conservation Center

Dragon's Mouth (Arethusa bulbosa) © Hal Horwitz

Established by the Smithsonian Institution and the United States Botanic Garden, the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) is dedicated to conserving native orchid species across the United States and Canada. The NAOCC has over 200 native orchid species, with over 100 of those species currently listed as either threatened or endangered.

Cypripedium acaule © Julianne McGuinness

What makes NAOCC’s work so important is that previously, there was no collaborative body of researchers dedicated to conserving native orchid species. Furthermore, the majority of emphasis within orchid research has focused on tropical species. Very little research has focused on temperate climate orchids, which makes NAOCC’s work vital. The NAOCC has partners all over the United States and Canada, so be sure to check if there is a supporting organization in your area and get involved today!

Check out the information sheet below to learn more about orchids and the NAOCC.

Thumbnail photo is an Cypripedium kentuckiense. © Hal Horwitz


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