Welcome to the Team: Ashley Martens

Please Join Us As We Welcome OGFN’S Newest Team Member, Intermountain West Regional Manager, Ashley Martens!

As the new Intermountain West Regional Manager, Ashley oversees growing, enhancing, and connecting the Old-Growth Forest Network in the following states: Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, California, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. Keep reading to learn more about our newest Regional Manager!

What is your background as it relates to old-growth forest preservation?

I fell in love with ancient western redcedar forests in North Idaho when I moved there for college.  Being in their presence offered a sense of peace, ease, and perspective during an uncertain time in my life.  I was inspired to do soils and plant research in these forests and then complete a partially-finished survey of remnant western redcedar groves on the Clearwater National Forest.  I rallied volunteers to go out exploring to find the last of these standing giants.  We then created a detailed proposal to submit for the Forest Plan revision for their protection.

What is your favorite forest and why?

Ancient Western Redcedar Groves call me back to them regularly as a refuge away from the fast-paced world.  It is impossible to rush through a grove of giant trees with an understory of lush ferns and the scent of the erotically-flowered wild ginger.  They are an invitation to slow down, to savor, and to just be.  Their needles and bark are soft and comforting, so sitting down on the forest floor with my back to a Grandmother Cedar is like settling into an earthy hug.

What inspired you to join the OGFN team?

A mutual love of old forests and connecting people with wildness inside and out.

What has been the most rewarding thing so far working for OGFN?

Knowing that I am part of a dedicated group of people who love old forests like I do and having something to work for in this time of great uncertainty.

Why do you think old-growth forests should be protected in perpetuity?

Same sentiments as above. :)


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