Lindy Roosenburg Preserve
The Lindy Roosenburg Preserve (70.76 acres) is entirely forested except for a small field bordering the parking area. Forest age ranges from about 40 years (logged in the 1980s) to an estimated 120+ years. Two non-contiguous stands that total approximately 18 acres qualify as old-growth, based on Old Growth Network’s criteria. These are uneven-aged stands that include many large trees with trunks 2.5 to 3 feet in diameter, with straight, tall boles, indicating that they were not open-grown. These large trees are at least 120 years old, and probably considerably older. There are scattered, large blowdowns in varying states of decay, pit and mound topography, a notable lack of invasive species in the understory, and no signs of human disturbance other than foot paths and remnants of boundary fencing. The old-growth stands are surrounded by high-quality forest that is younger and/or less dense.

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