Wooster Memorial Park

This lovely city-owned park is a delight for all the senses. The park covers 425 acres of which 330 acres is forested. Hilly terrain and stream ravines provide habitat for many different tree species. Large hemlocks, oaks, beech, maple, and sycamore (to name a few) create a lovely, shaded setting for the carpets of spring wildflowers below. Sadly, most of the large ash trees have died from the borer and their decaying remains are surrounded by younger ash trees. Although this may not be a ‘virgin’ forest (the oldest trees are approximately 200 years old) it should certainly be considered ‘old-growth.’ The rich soils and good drainage allow for large, healthy tree specimens, and the structure of the forest creates excellent habitat for the many species that live here. There are numerous shallow stream crossings, so wear waterproof boots or be prepared to get your feet wet.