Forrest H. Dutlinger Natural Area
The Forrest H. Dutlinger Natural Area is a protected area in Clinton County, Pennsylvania, United States that includes a 158-acre old-growth forest of eastern hemlock, American beech, black cherry, sugar maple, and northern red oak. This 1,521-acre tract is surrounded by the Hammersley Wild Area in northern Clinton County. Its main feature is a 158-acre stand of old growth timber, but it is also an important reptile and amphibian protection area. The forest community is characterized by oak-heath association, including mountain laurel thickets, huckleberry, and blueberry. Some of the largest hemlocks in the natural area exceed four feet in diameter. District staff take measures to protect them from the hemlock woolly adelgid.
Please be aware that it is a long hike to get to the old-growth area through wet and variable topographical terrain. Please plan accordingly.

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