Jakey Hollow Natural Area -

Weiser State Forest

Jakey Hollow Natural Area is a small but unique site in Central Columbia County near Bloomsburg. Several massive old growth white pine and hemlocks will remind the visitor of what Pennsylvania must have been like in the past. The 59-acre area is home to an excellent mixed stand of second growth eastern hemlock, old eastern white pine, hardwoods, with a small area of virgin hemlock. Some of the other tree species at this site include sugar maple, red oak, white oak, American beech, black birch, and black cherry. The shrub layer and herbaceous layer includes mountain laurel, ferns, Solomon’s seal, and purple trillium. The rich variety in plant life attracts and helps sustain multiple wildlife species, especially birds. Barred owls, blue-headed vireo, black-throated green warbler, scarlet tanager, and pileated woodpeckers can be seen here. The invasive Hemlock Wooly Adelgid is a concern in this area.