Snyder-Middleswarth Natural Area

Containing old growth white pine, hemlock, and pitch pine, this 500- acre tract is located 5 miles west of Troxelville along the Swift Run Road in Spring Township, Snyder County. This natural area, within the Bald Eagle State Forest, contains old growth white pine, eastern hemlock, and pitch pine.

The existing old growth was saved from the loggers’ saws in 1902 when a 14,000-acre tract was purchased by the commonwealth and a stop-cutting order was issued. Good access is provided by foot trails.

Hemlock is/was a major component of the old growth forest in areas like the Snyder-Middleswarth and Tall Timbers Natural Areas. The loss of many of these old growth hemlocks, mostly due to the invasive hemlock wooly adelgid, has resulted in increased light to the forest floor and significant flushes of sweet birch seedlings. The state forest staff has cooperated with the Division of Forest Health to treat some high value trees with systemic insecticide like imidacloprid and dinotefuran with mixed results. Because of the nature of the insecticide and the insect, as well as the locations of the stands of hemlock, it is impractical to do this type of treatment on a large-scale basis. The staff has also cooperated with the Division of Forest Health to release predatory beetles that feed on the adelgid. The desire is that these predator insects will assist in controlling the adelgid to the point where hemlock will occupy and maintain its prominence in the forest.