Hickory Hollow Natural Area Preserve
Hickory Hollow contains 254 acres of mixed pine-hardwood forest, ravines, and swamps. None of the forest is old-growth, but there are some large beeches and oaks. This protected land contains important habitat for migratory songbirds and wild turkey. Cabin swamp is an exceptional quality wetland community that supports a very high diversity of plants including several mountain disjuncts. The dominant community type is Northern Coastal Plain/Piedmont Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest. A globally rare Coastal Plain Basic Seepage Swamp is a natural community highlight of the preserve. There is also a fine example of Coastal Plain/Piedmont Small-Stream Floodplain Forest in the southern drainage as well as Northern Coastal Plain/Piedmont Oak - Beech/ Heath Forest on the north-facing slopes adjacent to Cabin Swamp.

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