Pierson Hollow - Carnifex Ferry

Battlefield State Park

Nestled in the Pierson Hollow area of Carnifex Ferry Battlefield State Park is 30 acres of old-growth forest on the rim of the Gauley River Canyon of West Virginia. At the start of the trail one passes through late successional stands with yellow poplar and hemlock dominant lower down. Oaks dominate the upper slopes and some pine stands are found on the flats. Dense rhododendron thickets are along the stream and trail. This is one of the nicer virgin areas left in West Virginia. As one continues down the hollow the trees are older and the canopy is dominated by hemlock and tulip poplar with an occasional northern red oak. The trees are between 250 and 300 years old; the oldest tree is reported to be 400 years old. There are several generations of course woody debris on the forest floor, which were augmented by the heavy snows of super storm Sandy in October 2012 which tore the crown off of many mature trees.