Thank You Rope Guru!

At the end of 2021, Jamie Goddard of The Rope Guru had an amazing announcement- he and Nick Araya of Tree Care LA had successfully fundraised $5,000 for the Old-Growth Forest Network! Starting back in the summer of 2021, Jamie and Nick began designs for a new rope design called Confetti 2.0, a rope that is both vibrant as it is functional. They decided that a portion of all proceeds from the Confetti 2.0 sales would be donated to the Old-Growth Forest Network again as they did 2016. We are incredibly honored by their thoughtful gift. Keep reading to find out more about Jamie, the Rope Guru, and his recent fundraising efforts!


Tell us a little bit more about Rope Guru and your background with tree climbing? How'd you get your start?

It all started back in 2000 when I was hired off a commercial fishing boat to become the Arborist rope market manager for Yale Cordage, a rope manufacturer in Maine. Over my 20 years at Yale, I met a lot of amazing tree people from all over the world. And to be very clear, I’m a rope salesperson who enjoys a good recreational climb every now and then. I've had the privilege to climb some of the best trees in the world with some of the best people in the world. I have since left Yale Cordage (2019) and have started my own small rigging shop serving the local arborists as well as other industries here in Maine/New England.

How does your work interplay and relate to forest conservation?

We make rope tools for the arboriculture/forestry industries here in Maine and all over the country. Our customers are very passionate about their livelihood and sustainability. It’s contagious.

What is your favorite thing about your work?

It used to be the travel and the fun places my corporate job used to take me for 19 years. And now that I haven't traveled in over 2 years, I am getting to enjoy my home state of Maine and New England and the beauty it has to offer from the White Mountains of NH to the rocky coast of Maine.  The second fave is definitely the diversity of the clientele we see is incredible - and it’s all for the same thing.  Rope.

What inspired you to join forces with OGFN?

My great friend Nick Araya, owner of Tree Care LA, came to me in 2016 while I was at Yale, to make this rope for tree climbing which would incorporate all the colors we feasibly could, call it Confetti, and make it to raise money for the OGFN.  The 2016 rope sale / donation was a huge success, but we had some unfinished business to take care of for the people who demanded this happen, so again in 2021 we had Confetti 2.0 which as you know was another great success.  Why did we join forces?  The People & The Trees.

What is your favorite forest and why?

My favorite forest would have to be the Montgomery Woods in Ukiah, CA. I've had the honor of climbing a few massive Redwood beasts in there with some world-renowned tree climbers. Some of the best memories of my life so far for sure.

Since we don't currently have any Network Forests in Maine, which forest would you like to see dedicated first and why?

"The North Maine Woods" is such an amazing place to visit. The history of the northern Maine forests runs deep. There's an old steam engine locomotive just abandoned in the woods from back in the day and some of the best views, fishing, and wildlife you'll see anywhere in the northeast.  There's also our local city forest "the Westbrook City Forest" which is very close to our house and a great place to mountain bike in the summer and cross-country ski in the winter and let the hounds run loose.  But honestly, I would like to see the first "Forest on an Island" dedicated in Maine. Maine Islands are thing of natural beauty, just like a forest.  It would be a great collaboration with another local group we love, and support called Maine Island Trails.


A final note from Jamie: 
I appreciate you asking me to a be a part of this article however, we simply facilitated the idea and the platform to make it come together. The real people to thank are the folks from all over the USA / Canada and even the UK and Australia who made a purchase of the Confetti 2.0 rope knowing it will benefit something we all believe in. It’s really strange what brings people together sometimes.

Rope / Trees / People


Thank you so much to Jamie and everyone who purchased Confetti 2.0 rope last year. It’s always amazing to see people from all over the world come together as a community focused on saving forests. For the Forests! 

Christine Upton